Etică și Integritate Academică de Excepție în Cercetarea Științifică și Actul Didactic

Program "Etică şi integritate academică de excepţie în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi actul didactic", implementator: Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, cu sprijin financiar din partea FDI2018, Domeniul 5, Imbunătăţirea calităţii activităţii didactice, inclusiv a respectării deontologiei şi eticii academice. Cod proiect: CNFIS-FDI-2018-0545.






International Scientific Conference "Ethical Values in Education, Research and Innovation", to be held in Suceava from October 19-20, 2018, at Ştefan cel Mare University from Suceava . The event will take place within the project "Ethics and academic integrity exceptional in scientific research and didactic act".

Publication of articles resulting from the conference

The articles presented at the conference will be evaluated by a peer-review committee and proposed to be published in an academic recognized Journal or within the framework of the project "Ethics and academic integrity exceptional in scientific research and didactic act", a volume will be elaborated and published in Romanian, entitled "Value- centered ethics in education, research and innovation". The volume will be published under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Antonio Sandu and Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Popoveniuc, at a recognized publishing house in Romania.
NOTE: The volume is planned for publication in November 2018 as such will not be possible due on postponing the final manuscript form. Work will be subject to peer-review process, authors will receive, as appropriate, suggestions for correction / you continued improvement of the referees that will be received up to one week from receipt of material. The authors hereby undertake to send the final version of the manuscript, after corrections, no later than November 1, 2018.

At the same time, we inform participants that all papers registered to the conference, except those published in the volume above, will be published in the proceedings volume of the conference, whish is scheduled to be published by Editura Universităţii Ştefan cel Mare.
All articles proposed for publication in either of the books or journals abovementioned should be submitted in full untill the latest November the 1st, 2018.

More info



- Prof. Emeritus Jean Pierre Clero (Université de Rouen, France)


He is teaching in the Department of philosophy, being specialized in Anglo-Saxon philosophy (Bentham’s philosophy). His philosophical concerns go beyond the framework of analytical philosophy. The analytical philosophy is the starting point and methodological instrument that allows him to make exegetical inroads in the sphere of ethics, imaginary/fiction, epistemology and psychology of Mathematics, especially in applied ethics and bioethics, in philosophy of language and anthropology.


He has previously taught in Flaubert and Joan of Arc High-schools from Rouen, then in 1994 has become Associate Professor at the University of Haute-Normandie. He obtains his habilitation at the University of Paris X – Nanterre, on January the 24th, 1996. In the same year, he was made Professor at the University of Haute-Normandie. In 2001, he advanced to the status of Class 1 Professor, in 2010 achieving the status of Professor of Exceptional Class. Currently, he is Director of the Bentham Center, from the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris, being member of the International Academy of History of Sciences from Bruxelles.


- Prof. Beatrice Ioan (UMF Gr Popa, Iaşi, România )


She is Associate Professor in Legal Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Grigore T. Popa” and senior forensic pathologist at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Iasi, Romania. She graduated from the faculties of Medicine (1993), Psychology (2002) and Law (2012) and from the Master of Art in Bioethics Program at Case Western Reserve University, USA (2004). She holds a PhD in Medical Sciences (2002). She is the Vice-Chair of the Committee on Bioethics (DH-BIO) of the Council of Europe, independent expert of the European Commission, member of the Bioethics Commission and of the Discipline Commission of the Romanian College of Physicians and also member of several research ethics committees in Romania. She participated in European and national research projects and authored many scientific papers and books in the fields of Legal Medicine and Bioethics.


- Prof. Tatiana Agheorghiesei Corodeanu (Al. I Cuza Iasi, Romania)


Profesor Universitar Doctor Habilitat la Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, Romania, Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor. Conduce doctorate din domeniul managementului. Predă cursurile de Management, Merchandising, Business Ethics and Ethics in Public Administration. Her research interests include management, merchandising and ethics in organizations.


- Prof. Antonio Sandu (Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania)

Antonio Sandu is a Professor at the "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Romania, Associate Professor at the University of Oradea and Principal Researcher at the LUMEN Socio-Human Research Center, Iaşi, Romania. His main areas of interest include ethics, bioethics, social assistance and social philosophy. The original contributions of the author's scientific activities start from the social construction of social reality and constructivism, as seen from a semiological perspective. He analyzes the social construction of reality by developing his own version of social constructivism, that operates at the intersection of the constructivist paradigm and the theory of communicative action. He is the author of the book: Social Construction of Reality as Communicative Action, published in Cambridge Scholar Publishing House (2016), and the volumes "Social Work Practice: Techniques of Research and Models of Intervention: from Problem Solving to Appreciative Inquiry "," Appreciative Ethics: A Constructivist Version of Ethics "and" A Practical Social Practice: Research Techniques and Intervention Models: From Resolving Problems to Appraisal Surveys " Socialist-constructivist Epistemology, A Transmodern Perspective, all published by Lap Lambert between 2012 and 2013. He has written more than 20 volumes in Romanian and English.


- Assoc. Prof. Secyl Bal Tastan (Marmara University, Turkey)


She has bachelor degree from Istanbul University Faculty of Economics, Department of Public Administration. She had master’s degree of Human Resources Management and Development and has doctorate degree of Organizational Behavior. Her academic research studies include the organizational behavior,management and organization, industrial and organizational psychology, human resources management, organizational culture and leadership. She has authored a number of academic research studies in academic journals and international conferences on these subjects.


- Assoc. Prof. Tomiță Ciulei (University Valahia from Târgovişte)


 (b. 1969) graduated (1996) from the Faculty of Philosophy, specialization Philosophy of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University , with a thesis on spiritual The Geography of Romanian Spirituality from Origins to Neagoe Basarab. In 2007, he becomes a PhD of the same University in Iasi with the thesis: The Classical Empiricism about the Sources of Knowledge John Locke and David Hume.


He is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, of Valahia University Targoviste. He is the author of over 30 articles and studies published in national and international journals, and in proceedings of international conferences.


- Assoc. Prof. Mircea Leabu (Research Center for Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy)


His background in chemistry (graduated in 1976 as head of the class at national level) allows him to switch to cell biology research at the Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu” (1980-1991). Starting with October 1991 he starts a didactical activity at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, while simultaneously continues his scientific activity in cell biology and pathology of the cardiovascular system. In 1999 he receives the title of Doctor in medicine in the field of medical biochemistry. Between August 2000 and February 2005 he is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada doing research in the field of cell motility (study of mechanisms depending on integrins and cytoskeleton). Currently he is an Associate Professor in Cell Biology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, and Head of Cell Biology Laboratory at “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology. Starting with 2006 he extends his interest of research toward (bio)ethics, becoming an associate member of the Research Center for Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, where, in 2011, he establishes a group for debates in bioethics.


Contributions: 24 international papers in biomedical field; 8 papers in the field of bioethics and publication ethics (6 international); 21 international and 76 national communications in biomedicine (respectively 10 + 8 oral communications); 7 international and 2 national oral communications in bioethics and research ethics. Details could be found at:


- Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Popoveniuc (Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania)


 Bogdan Popoveniuc is associate professor at the University „Stefan cel Mare” Suceava. Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy of Science domain), with thesis the „Antinomies mathematical and transcendental and their destiny in the contemporary Philosophy and Science”, he is also licensed in Psychology and has a master in Psychology and Psychosocial Intervention and Psychotherapy. He teaches courses like Introduction to Philosophy, Introduction to Psychology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Philosophical Anthropology or Political Anthropology. Bogdan Popoveniuc has authored two books and two undergraduate courses and published more than 100 scientific articles mostly from an inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspective in the areas of Philosophy, Anthropology and Psychology.



Related events

During the two days of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to participate freely in cultural, scientific and educational related events. Below are listed those which have already been confirmed so far, but the will be completed along the way.
- Book release Pascal. The Doctrine of Imagination Figures by the French author Jean Pierre Clero, translation and preface by Pompiliu Alexandru, published by LUMEN Publishing House. The guests of this event will be Prof. Emeritus Jean Pierre Clero, University of Rouen, France, Lecturer Ph.D. Pompiliu Alexandru, Valahia University of Târgovişte, Assoc Prof. Ph.D. Tomita Ciulei, Valahia University of Târgovişte, and Prof. Hab. Antonio Sandu, Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava.

- Workshop The Role of Ethics Committees in Research on Human Subjects. The French experience, coordinated by Prof. Emeritus Jean Pierre Clero, University of Rouen, France.

- Workshop Ethical Matrix of Research in Romania, coordinated by Prof. Mircea Leabu, Applied Ethics Research Center, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania.

- Workshop Ethics of Publication in Journals, led by Prof. Antonio Sandu, Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania.

- Workshop Informed Consent in Research involving Human Subjects, coordinated by Prof. Antonio Sandu, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava and Ana Frunză, Researcher III - LUMEN Social and Human Research Center, graduate of the Advanced Studies Program in Ethics of Scientific Research at Clarkson University, USA.

- Workshop Ethical Challenges in the Development and Implementation of the Research Project, coordinated by Prof. Antonio Sandu, Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava.

- Workshop University Codes of Ethics, coordinated by assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Tomita Ciulei, University of Valahia in Targoviste.

- Workshop Ethical Regulations involving Scientific Research and Innovation, coordinated by PhD Student Alexandra Huidu, Doctoral School of Sociology, Oradea University, Romania and LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Studies, Iaşi, Romania.

- Workshop Ethics involving Embryonic Stem Cell Research and the Legal Status of the Human Embryo, coordinated by PhD Student Alexandra Huidu, Doctoral School of Sociology, Oradea University, Romania and LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Studies, Iaşi, Romania.

- Workshop Confidentiality in Psycho-Social Intervention, coordinated by Prof. Antonio Sandu, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava and PhD Candidate Elena Unguru (Gafton), Doctoral School of Sociology, Oradea University, Romania and LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Studies, Iaşi, Romania.

- Workshop - Title Reserved -, coordinated by PhD Professor Beatrice Ioan, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Farmacy, Iaşi, Romania.

- Workshop Plagiarism as a violation of academic ethics. The impact of anti-plagiarism software on the development of an ethical climate in Universities, coordinated by Assoc Prof. Bogdan Popoveniuc, Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava.


Final info

Conference programme


- to be published after registration deadline


Working papers


- to be published after registration deadline