Program "Etică şi integritate academică de excepţie în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi actul didactic", implementator: Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, cu sprijin financiar din partea FDI2018, Domeniul 5, Imbunătăţirea calităţii activităţii didactice, inclusiv a respectării deontologiei şi eticii academice. Cod proiect: CNFIS-FDI-2018-0545. |
Registration for participation in the conference is based on sending an e-mail to E-mail should contain the REGISTRATION FORM (which contains all the necessary information: title, abstract and keywords in Romanian and in English (only in English for foreign participants), and a short paragraph with the author’s / authors’ biodata; each author must complete the full identification data: Name and surname, academic rank, affiliation institution, e-mail address).
By joining the Conference, the participant agrees with the existing data processing policy at the host university level.
Download registration form - Download
Deadlines for registration
Entrants will be registered by September 25, 2018.
Participation fee
No participation fee is charged. Those enrolled could participate in any of the sections, and will receive the conference map, the participation certificate and catering throughout the conference for free.
Presentation methods
Presentation of the papers submitted to the Conference can be done in 3 ways:
ORAL Presentation
This type of presentation implies the direct participation, in person, in a section that will be scheduled by the Organizers. The free presentation can be accompanied by a PowerPoint brought by the participant on electronic support (USB or CD drive).The organizers will provide participants with a computer connected to the projector in each room where presentations will be held.
POSTER Presentation
This type of presentation involves the preparation of a poster of size A1 (60 x 85 cm), containing a short summary of the paper. Supporting the poster does not necessarily imply the physical presence of the author, although the organizers encourage it, the participant having the opportunity to listen to plenary or section presentations. All posters should phisically reach the organizers until the 16th of October 2018 the latest.The poster will be printed by the participant on paper, color, and will be sent by express courier to:
Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Fac. of History and Geography
Str. University, no. 13, Body E, 720229, Suceava, Romania
To the attention of Assoc. Prof. PhD. Bogdan Popoveniuc (+40 230 216 147, int 511 - Secretariat)
Download poster format - Download.
VIRTUAL Presentation
This presentation is intended exclusively for participants from abroad, who are unable to come in person to the conference. Support for the presentation in this case will be made virtually via Skype on October 19th 2018, at an hour set and communicated by the Organizers in due time.