Etică și Integritate Academică de Excepție în Cercetarea Științifică și Actul Didactic

Program "Etică şi integritate academică de excepţie în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi actul didactic", implementator: Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, cu sprijin financiar din partea FDI2018, Domeniul 5, Imbunătăţirea calităţii activităţii didactice, inclusiv a respectării deontologiei şi eticii academice. Cod proiect: CNFIS-FDI-2018-0545.


Ethical Values in Educational Discourse
Student centered University | Ethical values promoted in Education | Education Ethics | Ethics and Academic Integrity | Fundamental dimensions for ensuring quality in the educational act | Integrity in research and education

Ethical expertise in education, research and innovation
Codes of university ethics | Promotion and development of activities of the ethics and Academic Integrity Committees | Guidance for ensure transparency in Romanian Universities | Particularities in ethical expertize | Ethical Counseling in Education and Research | Ethics management in education and research

Ethical principles in research
Ethical perspectives in research projects development and implementation | Ethical approval for research | Standards and procedures for obtaining informed consent | Protection of research participants | Data management | Conflict of interests | Researcher and research institution responsibility

Research on human subjects. Ethical limits and risks
Historical perspectives in (non-ethical) research on human subjects: the experience of the Nazi doctors, the experience of the Japanese Army in China, etc.| Normative perspectives in research on human subjects: the Oviedo Convention, Belmont Report, the Declaration of

Helsinki, European Council Directives and so on | Principles of research on human subjects | Ethics in clinical research and random experiments | Ethical particularities in Social and Psychological Research | Protecting participants in qualitative research | Ethical particularities in research involving vulnerable populations |Ethical perspective in research participants selection | Risk-benefit assessment (ethics) in the research on human subjects | Informed consent in research

Ethics of research in the natural and life sciences
Ethical perspectives on genetically modified organisms research | The ethical value of non- human life | Ethics of space exploration | Ethics of research and innovation in nuclear technology | Ethics of research and innovation in the field of nanotechnologies | Eco-Ethics

Ethics of research and innovation in the use of mass communication technologies
Ethics of digitization and of information society | Rights to identity and privacy in the digital society | Hacking vs. disclosure of public interest information. Wikileaks | Information vs. disinformation / misinformation in mass communication | Ethical and non- ethical practices in Big Data research | Ethics of research and innovation in the field of virtual reality technologies and augmented reality | Ethics of the development of technologies with major impact on lifestyle and quality of life

Ethics of Science Publishing and Communication
Plagiarism | Data forgery| Ghost Writing | Repeated publication of the same content | The role of whistleblowers | Authorship of scientific articles | Peer Review | Good Practices in Scientific Publication | Open Access Policy